Puerto Rico you lovely island
Island of tropical breezes
Always the pineapples growing
Always the coffee blossoms blowing...
Puerto Rico you ugly island Island of tropic diseases Always the hurricanes blowing Always the population growing And the money owing And the babies crying And the bullets flying...
Stephen Sondheim-- "America" from "West Side Story."
With these words Stephen Sondheim perfectly captures the dichotomy that is Puerto Rico. Stunning beaches, beautiful weather, historic architecture, vibrant night life. And right beside all this, interminable lines, cars stopping out of no where to chat or buy produce, an infrastructure as vexing as it is amazing, and weather that can change from fair to foul and back again--faster than you can say "juepa!"
This is Puerto Rico, pure and unvarnished. We hope to help our visitors love the island like we do-- unconditionally. Because really that's the only way a trip to Puerto Rico works. To visit and love it warts and all. Welcome to ClaraVistaRevista!
Robert E.L. Walters-- Editor and Publisher